prepare a mindmap on nutrition.

Dear Student.

I am providing you the flow diagram of nutrition. You can use them to make complete mind map. Also you can take tips from the google to make mind map of nutrition.

Nutrition is defined as the process of intake of nutrients and its utilization by an organism in various biological activities.   ​

The common type of nutrition observed are autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition.
In autotrophic mode of nutrition the organisms is able to make its own food using CO2  and water e.g, plants make their own food through photosynthesis.
Whereas, in heterotrophic mode of nutrition organisms are not able to make their own food instead they depend on other organisms for food e.g, heterotrophs may be herbivores (eating plants), carnivores (eating animals) and omnivores (eating both plants and animals).  

There are two types of autotrophic nutrition:
Photoautotrophic nutrition – The mode of nutrition where solar energy is converted into food. E.g. green plants  
Chemoautotrophic nutrition – chemical energy is converted into food, e.g. bacteria.

There are four types of heterotrophic nutrition 
Holozoic – the mode of nutrition in which organisms intake complex food materials and are broken down into simpler forms by the specific digestive system of organism. E.g. Human.  
Saprophytic – The mode of nutrition in which organisms obtain nutrition on dead and decaying matters is known as saprophytic nutrition. E.g. Fungus.  
Parasitic – It is the mode of heterotrophic nutrition in which an organism lives inside the body of another organism called host and obtain nutrition from the host. E.g. Plasmodium  
Symbiotic – In this mode of nutrition two organisms survive by depending upon each other without causing any harm to any of the members. E.g. lichen.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.
If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible.

  • 1
hope it helps!!thumbs up plz!!
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