Product of 2 integers is never a fraction. True/False

Answer :

We know  " Integers are like whole numbers, but they also include negative numbers , but still no fractions . We can put that all together like this:

Integers = { ..., -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... }

So , here our meaning of fraction is that gives us the decimal value , As we can say 2  = 21 (  That is a fraction , but that not gives us decimal value ) So 2 is a integer .

So if we have any two integers  2 and 3 , So

×  3  =  6  ( we can say 6  = 61 (  That is a fraction , but that not gives us decimal value ) So, we count  6 as a integer . )

So we can say that product of any two integers we can't have fraction . So our given statement is true  .  ( Ans )

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False statement . For example : 2x2 = 4 , which can also be written as 4/1 . If you are fine with my answer , then please give me a thumbs up :) :) :) !!

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