proof that a bullet fired at an angle of 60 degrees to the horizontal will reach a height 3 times higher than a bullet fired at 30 Degrees to the horizontal

Dear Student,
we know,maximum height reached,H=u2Sin2θ2gand horizontal range,R=u2Sin2θgfor θ=60°,we getH1=u2Sin260°2g=u23222×10=3u280R1=u2Sin2×60°g=u2Sin120°10=u23210=3u220for θ=30°,we getH2=u2Sin230°2g=u21222×10=u280R2=u2Sin2×30°g=u2Sin60°10=u23210=3u220now,H1H2=3u280u280=31i.e.,H1=3H2R1R2=3u2203u220=1i.e.,R1=R2
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