prove it by vector methods prove that a/sina= b/sinb = c/sinc by vector method and also proff cosine formula by it

prove that b= c cos a+ a cosc by vector method

 Let a, b, c be the three sides of the traingle, and let A, B, C be the angles opposite to these sides, respectively. Draw BDAC.

(1) We know that area of ABC is =12a×b=12b×c=12c×a


Hence Proved.

(2)  In ABD, h2=c2-x2
       In BCD, h2=a2-b-x2

So, a2-b-x2=c2-x2a2-b2+2bx-x2=c2-x2a2=b2+c2-2bx

Now, in ABD, cosA=xc x=c cosA

Using this value of x in the equation we obtained above:-

a2=b2+c2-2bc cosA

This is the Cosine Formula. Hence Proved.

(3)  In ABD, cos A=xc

       In BCD, cos C=b-xa

So, RHS=c cos A + a cos C=cxc + ab-xa=x+b-x=b=LHS

​Hence Proved.

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