prove that :

a) angle in the major segment of a circle is acute 

b) angle in the  minor segment of circle is obtuse 

Dear Student!


Given : ADB is the minor segment and ACB is the major segment of a circle C(0, r).∠ADB is the angle drawn in the minor segment and ∠ACB is an angle drawn in the major segment.

To prove : ∠ADB is obtuse and ∠ACB is acute. 

Proof : We know that, the angles subtended by an arc of a circle at its centre is twice the angle subtended by it at any point of the alternative segment of the circle.

ADB is the minor segment.

 is the minor arc and ∠ACB is the angle subtended by it in alternate segment.

m  = 2 ∠ACB

Thus, ∠ACB is acute.

ACB is the major segment.

 is the major arc and ∠ADB is the angle subtended by it in alternate segment.

m  = 2 ∠ADB


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