Prove that when two trains move in the opposite direction, then one train appears to move faster than its actual speed of the other train.

Dear Student, 
Please find below the solution to the asked query: 

let us consider two trains on moving due east with a magnitude of velocity of '|ve =v|' and the other is moving west with a magnitude '|vw = v|'. Now, 

the since the trains move in opposite direction then, ve = -vw


suppose one of trains comes to a halt and the velocity vector of it is added to the other train. Then the person on the stationary train will be able to see the other train exactly at the same speed as earlier. Then,

vtrain for observer = ve - vw ( since both are in opposite direction hence the '-ive' sign as then they will follow the rules of vector addition)

vtrain for observer = v - (-v) = -2v
​since    2v > v 

thus we conclude that for two trains moving in opposite directions  
then one train appears to move faster than its actual speed of the other train.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about (Motion). 
If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible. 
Satyendra Singh  

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Use the concept of relative velocity assume one as rest then other speed will double
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