proverbs/sayings that are related to climate and weather in your region

salivary amalyse enzyme in saliva

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proverbs/saying that are related to climate and wheather

  • -4

" Red Sky at night,sailor's delight. Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning.

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want 10 proverbs related to climate

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Rainbow at noon rain soon
  • -3
When the wind is out of the east, is neither good for man nor beast"

Meaning-Since cold winter weather often arrives from the east.

"In the morning mountains, in the afternoon fountains"

Meaning-Mountains refers to cumulonimbus clouds, and fountains to the thunderstorms they produce.

"Cold is the night when the stars shine bright"

Meaning-Since stars shine brighter on cold, clear nights.

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when the dew is on the grass rain will never come to pass
  • -5
its raining cats and dogs.
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Make hay while the sun shines❤ Every cloud has a silver lining 💦 Its raining cat and dogs 😺 🐶
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I want some questions on water resources! !??
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Why dams are called of modern dam
  • -16
How GDP is measured
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narmada bachao andolan is a non governmental organisation that mobilised tribal people, farmers, environmentalists and human rights activists against the Sardar Sarvodar Dam being built across the narmada river in gujarat. It originally focused on the environmental issues related to trees that would be submerged under the dam water. Recently it has re-focused the aim to enable poor citizens especially the outsees to get full rehabilitation facilities frm the government
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What is the multipurpose river valley project and its obhectives?
  • -7
Dams are said to be TEMPLES OF MODERN INDIA it was the name given to dams by Jawaharlal Nehru . Where it was used by the regions of high urbanisation and growing population .
  • -5
Avscfk jsjso
  • -7
What were the primary reason for launching Narmada bachao andoan???
  • -6
rooftop rain water harvesting is a method of capturing or we can say collecting the rainwater through the roof catchments and then store it in underground storage tank for many purposes.
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Differentiate between dams and multipurpose project
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They eliminate or reduce flooding. Provide water for agriculture. Provide water for human and industrial consumption.
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1) Multipurpose projects launched after independence with their integrated water resources management approach, were thought of as the vehicle that would lead the nation to the path of development and progress,overcoming the handicapped of its colonial past. 2) Jawaharlal Nehru proclaim the dams are the temples of modern India: the reason being that it would integrate development of agriculture and the village economy with Rapid industrialisation and growth of the urban economy. 3) Dams were built to impound rivers and rainwater that could be used later to irrigate Agricultural fields. 4) Hydroelectricity is also generated which is provided to industry to run machines.
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Because the region being that it would integrate development of agriculture and the village economy with rapid industrialisation and growth of the urban economy
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No Matter how dark the weather forecast is, the cloud always has a silver lining


When clouds appear like rocks or towers, The Earth's refreshed by frequent showers... :-)
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Global warming is global warning.
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Please find this answer

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Collect the local proverbs/saying related to climate and weather in your region *a rainbow in the morning is the salor's warning. *a rainbow at night is the salor's delight. *when the dew is on the grass,rain will never come to pass.
  • 0
Collect the local proverbs/saying related to climate and weather in your region *a rainbow in the morning is the salor's warning. *a rainbow at night is the salor's delight. *when the dew is on the grass,rain will never come to pass.
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.__. Sane
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Collect proverbs saying that are related to climate and whether in your region

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