PS check this

8. Either of the girls ... allowed to fill in the form.
9. Neither of the boys...present at the assembly.
10. Several of these boys...... not able to do this sum.
11. One of these daily.
12. I got a few books from the library, but not one of them...... interesting.
13. We have enough food for everyone, but....there enough plates?
14. There........ not many people present, but everyone present..... carrying a laptop.
15. Every one of these toys..... mine.

2. Choose the correct verb from the brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Somebody (move, moves) my morning paper nearly every morning.
2. Both (argue, argues) on the phone.
3. Some pizza (has, have) been saved for later.
4. Either her brother or her parents (has have) Farah's Mumbai address.
5. Every man, woman, and child (attend, attends) the Republic Day parade.

Dear Student,
The answers are:
8. is
10. were
11. is/was
12. is
13. are
14. are, is
15. is

B. 1. move
2. argue
3. have
4. have
5. attend
6. melt

Hope this helps.


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