Put your ideas and write a short note on the impertance of knowing the facts about adolescense and reproduction.

The body of an adolescent undergoes a number of changes during the period of adolescence and reproduction. Thus, it is important for adolescents to know about all these changes and the process of reproduction in order to remain healthy and have healthy reproductive life. In order to stay healthy an individual needs to take care of their nutritional requirements, personal hygiene, and health. Let us explore what adolescents should do to take care of all these aspects.

Nutritional requirement in adolescents

Consuming a balanced diet, containing all food nutrients in balanced proportions is very essential during the stage of adolescence. An adolescent’s diet should include carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals in adequate amounts. This is because bones and muscles need proteins and calcium to grow at the time of puberty.

Some food sources like fruits and vegetables should also be included in the diet as they contain lots of vitamins and nutrients. Amla is the richest source of vitamin C, while all green leafy vegetables are rich in iron which helps increase the production of blood in body.

Food items like chips, cold drinks, and snacks should be avoided, or their consumption should be restricted as they are only rich in taste and are poor in nutrient content.

Maintaining personal hygiene

At the time of puberty, the activity of the sweat glands increases considerably. Therefore, it is necessary for an adolescent to have a bath daily to protect the body form bacterial infections. Also, girls should maintain personal hygiene at the time of menstruation to avoid various infections.

Maintaining personal health

Adolescents should do regular physical exercise to keep their body fit and healthy. They should play outdoor games and should keep themselves active.

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