Q-1) mention any 4 characteristics of development??

Q-2) what maybe a development for 1 maynot be development for other. Give example to support your answer ??


Q-3) what contributes to the human development?

Q-4) human development is an essence of social development. explain??

 Ans - 1)Following are the characteristics of development:

1. Different peole can have different developmental goals.

2. Development for one may not be a development for other.

3. Capita income is the most important factor to calculate development.



Ans - 2) Development for one may not be the development for another .
Multinational Companies are taking away land from poor farmers to build their industries. It is development for the company but is destruction for the poor farmers.
    • Sardar Sarovar Dam being built over river Narmada where the tribes are being forced to evacuate their villages. The dam being built is development for the country but is a destruction for the tribes.
    • High price for crops is a development for farmer but problem for poor people.


Ans - 3) Health, education,income, employment opportunities etc. contributes to human development.

Ans - 4) Social development : The changes in the structure and framework of society, that help the society to better realize its aims and objectives are termed as social development. Human resource is the agent that brings about social development hence human development is the essence of social development.

Hope this helps...thumbs up plz!!!!

  • 26
Give one example have rich and poor confliting goals and development
  • -2
Ayushi - 1) _1st part peole correct that tha's people
  • -5
The #Q1 answer by Ayushi is incomplete as she has given only 3 points. Below is the complete answer.

i ). Different people have different development goals.
ii ). What may be development for one may not be development for the other. It may be destructive for other.
iii ) . Income is the most important component of development, but along with income, people also seek equal treatment, good health, peace, literacy, etc.
iv). For development, people look at mix goals.
  • 10
Hi Following are the characteristics of development: 1. Different peole can have different developmental goals. 2. Development for one may not be a development for other. 3. Capita income is the most important factor to calculate development.
  • 2
Mention any four characteristics of development
  • -1
Characteristics of development are as follow: - (i) The idea of development has always been with ’ us, when we desires about what we would like to do. (ii) Development involves thinking about the . questions and about the ways in which we can work forwards achieving our desired goals. (iii) There can be different development goals of different persons. (iv) Development for one may not be development for other. It may even be destructive for other.
  • -2
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