Q.1: The price of pure muster oil is Rs.100 per litre. A shopkeper adulterates it with some other types of oil at Rs.50 pr litre. He sells the misture at the rate of Rs.96 per litre in order to gain 20% on whole transaction. The ratio in which he mixed the two oils is ..............?

Let pure oil = x litres and

other oil = y litres 



Cost of pure oil is Rs. 100x and 

Cost of other oil is Rs. 50y.


Total Cost price (CP) = Rs. (100x + 50y)


Now, the shopkeeper sell mixture =  (x+y) litres of adulterated oil at the rate of 96 Rs/litres.

Total Sale Price (SP) = 96(x+y) = 96 x + 96y


Profit = SP-CP = [96x+96y] - [100x+50y] = 46y-4x



The shopkeeper  has to mix pure and other oil in the ratio 3:2


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 Let us say he mixes x litres of pure oil with y litres of other oil to get the desired 20% profit.

We are required to find x:y.

Cost of pure oil is 100x and cost of other oil is 50y.

Total cost price (CP) = 100x + 50y

He will sell (x+y) litres of adulterated oil at the rate of 96 Rs/l

Total Sale Price (SP) = 96(x+y) = 96 x + 96y

Profit = SP-CP = [96x+96y] - [100x+50y] = 46y-4x

Profit% = (Profit*100)/SP








He has to mix pure and other oil in the ratio 3:2

Check answer:


SP=(3+2)*96=480=120% of 400

Thumbs up please....

  • 2


Profit% = (Profit*100)/CP

  • 2
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