Q. 1.
Why fungi are called saprophytes?

 Fungi can't prepare their own food and feed on dead and decaying matter, so they are called Saprophytes.

E.g. Mould, Mushrooms, Yeast, etc,

  • 36

 because they feed on dead and decaying matter and that is wat the word saprophyte suggests

  • 1
Because they feed on organic remains by first secreting digestive enzymes and then absorbing the digested material. That's why they are called Saprophytes.
  • 6
Fungi feed on dead and decaying matter and hence known as saprophytes 
  • 14
cz they feed on dead and decaying matter
  • -3
Fungi are also known as saprophytes because they cannot prepare their own food they feed on dead and decaying matter.
  • 5
fungi cant prepare their own food and feed on dead and decaying matter
  • 1
They use decaying organic material as food therefore called saprophytes
  • -1
What are the parasitism?
  • 0
Why is fungi called saprophytic plant
  • 0
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