Q.2. 2 hemispherical domes are to be painted as shown. If perimeter of the bases are 17.6 cm and 70.4 cm respectively. Then find the cost of painting at the rate of 210 per c m 2 .

Dear Student, 
Considering there are two dome , although figure is not correct so assuming two dome and then providing solution 

Now cost of painting is 210 rupee per cm2so overall cost for this dome of circumference 17.6 cm = 49.28×210=Rs. 10348.8Now for second dome 2πr=70.4 cmr = 70.4×72×22=11.2 cm so surface area of dome = 2πr2=2×227×11.2 ×11.2 =788.48 cm2so cost of painding this dome = 210×788.48=Rs. 165580.8 so overall cost for both=165580.8 +  10348.8=Rs. 175929.6

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