Q 7 a

7. a.
  ​Electromagnetic waves directed towards a newly discovered comet are received back in an interval of 20,400 minute. How far is the comet from earth ? [State the necessary assumption used]

Dear Student,
I am taking the assumption that the speed of light is much larger than that of the comet's.
Distance of the comet = Distance travelled by the light from earth to the comet d = Speed * Time
Since light travels to the comet and come back the time take to reach the comet is half of the total time between sending the waves and receiving.
Hence time = 20400 * 60 /2 sec = 612,000
Speed of light = 3 * 108 m/s
Distance d = 3 * 108 * 612,000 = 18.36 * 1013 
I hope it helps. Keep asking question and keep learning.

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7)a) 1836?10^9 km
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