Q a transformer has 500 primary turns and 10 secondary turns . if the secondary has resistive load of 15 ohm, the currents in the primary and secondary respectively are?

Q two neighbouring coils A and B have a mutual inductance of 20mH . The current flowing through A is given by I=3t^2 -4t+6.the induced emf at t=2s is

Dear Student,

(1) N2N1 = I2I1where, N2 is the number of turns in secondary.N1 is the number of turns in primaryI2 is the current in secondaryI1 is the current is primary10500 =I2I1I1I2 = 50:1So current in the pimary is 50 time to the current in the secondary.
(2) mutual inductance, M=20 mH=20×10-3 HI=3t2-4t+6dIdt=32t-4dIdt=6t-4dIdtat t=2 s=6×2-4dIdtat t=2 s=12-4=8 A/se=-MdIdte=-20×10-3×8e=-0.16 VHere, negative sign indicates that emf opposes the process which creates it.

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