Q. An electric bulb rated 220 V, 60 W is working at full efficiency 
(i) State the resistance of the coil of the bulb.
(ii) Another identical bulb is connected in series with the first one and the system is connected across the mains as shown below:

1. State the rate of conversion of energy in each bulb.
2. Calculate the total power
3. What will be the total power if the bulbs are connected in parallel?

Dear Student ,

(i) Resistance of the coil of the bulb is ,R=V2P=220×22060=806.67 ohm(ii)aThe principle of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, i.e. in an isolated system, the total energy before transformation is equal to the total energy transformation. A few examples of energy transformation are given below: In an electric bulb, electrical energy is converted into light and heat energy.bTotal power =P=220806.67+806.672×806.67=14.9915 W(c) Now if the bulbs are connected in parallel , then ,resistance=806.672=403.335 ohm .So the power,P=V2R=220×220403.335=119.99120 W

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