Q for capacitor

Dear student
Let the area of the plates be A,  and distance between them be d


Then capacitance before the insertion of the dielectric slab will be,

C = εoA/d

capacitance after the insertion of the dielectric slab will be,

C’ = εoKA/d

  1. Let the battery charge the plate with charge Q. The electric field between the plates will be given by

Before the insertion of the dielectric slab

E = σ/2εo = Q/2εoA

After the insertion of the dielectric slab

E’ = σ/2εoK = Q/(2εoKA)

  1. Energy stored in the capacitor is given by

Initial energy before insertion of dielectric

E = ½CV2

V = Q/C

=>  E = ½C(Q/C)2

=> E = ½Q2/C

Again C = εoA/d

=> E = ½Q2/ (εoA/d) = ½Q2d/ εoA

Final energy after the insertion of dielectric

  E’ = ½Q2d/ (εoKA)

Since K > 1 thus E’ < E, we see that energy of the capacitor decreases.


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