Q: If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have?

Hey friend ^_^}
Answer is 2 because you ask there are 3 Apples and you take 2 apples in them. And how many you have ans is 2.
Method :-
3 - 2=1 you have
And 3-1= 2 that i took away
So answer is 2. I took away.
1 you have.
Hope helpfull,

  • 2
3 only!
  • -4
1 apple
  • -5
Hey it will be 1!
  • -4
There are 3 apples and i take away 2 .
The ans is 2 as in the ques you have mentioned that i have taken 2 apples away so i left with only 2 apples.
  • 1
The answer was 2 apples because we take 2 apples
  • -3
only 1
  • 0

  • -1
ans is 2
  • 1
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