Q. The following passage has not been edited. There is error in each line against which a blank is given.?

One day then my six-year-old sister 1)---
asked us which career she should opt for, mine 2)----
father suggested she became a doctor 3)---
while my mother feels she could be a newspaper 4)---
reporter. I felt she would make a finer 5)---
teacher. From a momentary silence my sister 6)---
declared, " I may become an actress. I can then play each these roles." 7)---

Dear Student,

1. then - when
2. mine - my
3. she - her to become
4. feels - felt
5. fine - fine
6. from -  after
7. may - should ;   each of these roles

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.
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  • 0
1. then - when
2. mine - my
3. she - her to
4. could - should
5. fine - fine
6. from -  after
7. may - might
  • 3
  • -2
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