​ Q) There are three cities A, B, and C, not on the same straight road. Two buses P and Q start simultaneously from A and B respectively towards C. By the time Q reaches C, P is exactly halfway to C. Immediately after Q reaches C, it starts travelling A and it crosses P at a point 165 km from A. The ratio   of the speeds of P and Q is 3:5. Assume that the roads joining A to C, B to C and B to A are all straight roads. 

  i)If the initially, instead of moving towards C,P and Q start moving towards each other, which of the following cannot be a possible distance from A at which they will cross each other?    a)20 km  b)45 km  c) 120 km  d) 180 km. 

ii) If B is twice as far as from A as it is from C, and P 6 2/3 hours to cover the distance from A to B, how much time would Q take to cover the distance from C to A? 

​   i)If the initially, instead of moving towards C,P and Q start moving towards each other, which of the following cannot be a possible distance from A at which they will cross each other?  a)20 km  b)45 km  c) 120 km  d) 180 km.  ​

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