Q. Transform  the following sentences from Interrogative to Assertive and Vice versa

1. No one can bear an unprovoked insult.
2. No one ever saw a brighter daybreak than this
3. If you tickle us, do we not laugh ?
4. Who does not wish to be happy ?
5. Shall I forget those happy days ? 
6. Is that the way a gentleman should behave ?
7. Is this the kind of dress to wear in school ? 
8. Can anybody trust such a liar ?
9. He was a fool to act thus.
10. Of what use is such an old thing ?
11. Who does not know him ? 
12. Who can touch pitch without being defiled ? 


  1. Can anyone bear an unprovoked insult?
  2. Has anyone ever seen a brighter daybreak than this?
  3. We laugh if you tickle us.
  4. Everyone wishes to be happy.
  5. I shall not forget those happy days
  6. A gentleman should not behave this way.
  7. This is not the kind of dress to wear in school.
  8. Nobody can trust such a liar
  9. Wasn't he a fool to act thus?
  10. Such an old thing is of no use.
  11. Everyone knows him.
  12. Pitch cannot be touched without being defiled.

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