Q)What sprouts a shady boon for sheep and how?
Q)How do daffodils and rills enrich the environment?
Q)What makes the mid-forest brake rich?

1) The poet refers to the natural scene which brings solace and comfort to the eyes of the beholder, the shady boon of blessing that is to be found in the countryside. A shape of beauty that may occur in the form of the sun, the moon, the trees old and young which all contribute towards making a beautiful scene that lovely to the eyes. It is the green world in which creatures like the sheep gambol and the daffodils blossom.

2)The simple things of nature such as daffodils beautify the scenes that we see of nature and clear rills help to make the atmosphere cooler during the hot seasons of summer. They bring respite not only to the environment but also to our eyes with their simple beauty.  

Keats had tried to write an epic poem on the lines similar to Milton. The line mentioned in the question has been taken from his poem "Endymion". Although, Keats was not able to complete the epic, it has many unforgettable lines. The particular line describes the beauty of nature. The "Endymion" begins with the poet hailing Nature and her bounty. He says that each an every object in Nature, be it the daffodils blooming in the grassy meadow or the quiet flowing stream, the sun, the moon or other celestial bodies all make Nature beautiful. In spite of the heat of summer when the ground is covered with thick moss, the lovely, fragrant musk rose blooms. According to Keats, the diversity of Nature lies in the fact that two contradictory things can co-exist together. The particular lines provide us with a picturesque perception of Nature with all her beauty.  

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