Q.):-  Which of the following option shows statements related to cutting of DNA at specific location, given below?
a.  When DNA is placed in a semi solid gel and an electric field is applied the DNA molecule migrate toward the positive pole.
b.  DNA is precipitated by adding chilled alcohol.
c.  DNA is gragmented by adding Agarose.
d.  When DNA is placed in semi gel, and an electric field is applied, the DNA migrate toward negative pole.
1.  a and d                  2.  b and c                       3.  a and c                       4.  b and d

Dear student,
Answer is C) a and c
When DNA is run on agarose gel then the fragments of DNA are separated on the gel on the basis of pore size of the gel and size or molecular weight of DNA fragments. DNA moves towards positive pole as the DNA itself is negatively charged.

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