Q1 mention briefly how the following animals make adaptations to survive in the extremely cold climates:

1 arctic fox

2 yak

 ARTIC FOX= 1. Short, heavily furred, rounded ears

rn    	- Limits dispersal of heatn    	n    2. Coat changes colour	n    	- In summer, the fur is reddish brownn    	- In winter, it develops a layer of insulating fat, and a thick whiten              coat, including fur on the bottom of its pawsn    n    3. Phenomenal breeding raten            - Females give birth to as many as 25 cubs per yearn            - However, most of these do not survive for more than 6 monthsn            - Thus, the high birth rate helps to maintain population growthn    n    4. Able to remain active at temperatures of around -50 degrees Celsiusn            - Remains active without a corresponding increase in metabolic raten            - However, mature foxes rarely live for more than a few years in the n              harsh arctic climaten   image

  • THE YAK'S MOUTH IS ADAPTED FOR GRAZING a variety of plants.
  • thick coat of hair protects the yak from cold.
  • large CHEST and lungs are adaptations to low oxygen contents in the mountains.
  • the yak uses its hooves and horns to break the ice from frozen ground and graze on the grass below.

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