Q1.tanya bought 25 toffes.she ate 1/5 of them.how many tofees did she it?

25 /  1/5
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if we will divide 25/5 which is 5 then if we will divide 5/1 which is 5
then 5 tofees she ate out of 25
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i think so i am not so good in explaning the answer
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if you can understand so well done
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thanks. no i have understand what you want to explain.
  • -1
5 toffees
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25 × 1/5
=5.It is the answer.
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1/5 × 25 here if we divide 25 by 5 answer comes 5.so answer will be 5
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Hamid had 10 addition questions as homework he has done 7 questions what fraction of the question has done
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25 divided by 1/5 = 25/1 x 5/1 = 5
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Answer need

  • -1
Hamid had 10 addition questions as homework he has done 7 questions what fraction of the question has he done This answer is need
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