Q1: What do you mean by animal nutrition?

Q2: What is digestion?

Q3: Name different modes of feeding in animals?

Q4: What are the functions of the tongue in human body?

Q5: What are Milk teeth and permanent teeth?

Q6: Name the main organs of digestive system.

Q7: Explain tooth decay?

Q8: Glucose is considered as the source of instant energy, why?

Q9: What is mastication?

Q10: Define peristalsis?

Q11: What are secreted inside the stomach?

Q12: Explain digestive enzymes?

Q13: What do you mean by absorption in terms of digestion of food?

Q14: Name and explain the type of carbohydrates that can be digested by ruminants but not by humans.

Q15: What role does villi performs in the small intestine?

Q16: Describe nutrition in amoeba.

Q17: Differentiate between assimilation and egestion.

Q18: What is rumination?

Q19: How does digestion occur in ruminants grass-eating animals?

Q20: Write one similarity and one difference between the nutrition in amoeba and human beings.

Q21: What is the site of production of bile? Which component of the food does it digest?

Q22: What is the role of pseudopodia in amoeba’s life?

Q23 : What happens to the food in mouth and oesophagus of the digestive tract?

Q24 : What happens to the food in stomach of the digestive tract?

Q25: What happens to the food in small intestine of the digestive tract?

Q26: What happens to the food in large intestine of the digestive tract?

Q27: Differentiate between the fates of food in both intestines.

Q28: Write short notes on digestion in grass eating animal

Dear student,
Refer below for above asked query:-

2. Digestion is the process by which large complex food is broken down in into smaller chemical compounds with the help of digestive enzymes that can be absorbed in blood stream and used as nutrients or eliminated by the body.

4. The functions of the tongue in the human body are as the following : - 
A) It helps us to taste the food with the help of taste buds.
B ) It helps to spread saliva over the food so that the amylase can absorb the carbohydrates from the food.
C ) It helps us to transport food from one set of teeth to another set of teeth.
D ) And most importantly it helps us to speak.  

10. Peristalsis   refers to the process by which the food is transported from the buccal cavity to the stomach with the help of the expansion and contraction of the muscles present in the oesophagus. After the peristaltic movement in the oesophagus, food particles move down the oesophagus and reach the stomach.

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