Q2 in pic!
Ans: 2080

Dear Student
Important point :Elementary (single-step) reactions have reaction orders equal to the stoichiometric coefficients for each reactant.
So here order of the reaction with respect to A  is 1 and with respect to B is 2 
t1/2 is proportional to 1/[P]n-1 so here t1/2 can be written as k[A]0[B]1=k[B]
if we compare exp no. 1 and 2 we see that in both concentration of A is equal and concentration of B is getting doubled which means that t/2 will get halved =40/2 =20 min
xy=20 min

if we compare 3rd and 4th experiment then we see that concentration of B is halved that means that the half life will get doubled whic will be equal to 40 min
vz=40 min

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