Q33, 34
Q.33. How do calcium level regulate our body mechanism ? focus on joint problems.
Q.34. Analyze the bone present in skull, rib-cage, fore limb, hind limbs.

Dear student

Please refer the solution below for the said query

The bones present in skull, rib cage, fore limbs and hind limbs are:

Skull − 22 bones

  • Has two sets of bones − Cranial (8) and Facial (14)

  • Skull also includes a U-shaped bone called hyoid, present at the base of the buccal cavity

  • Ear Bones (ear ossicles) − Malleus, Incus, Stapes

  • Skull articulates with the vertebral column via two occipital condyles.


  • Ribs − 12 pairs

    • Connects dorsally to the vertebral column
      Connects ventrally to the sternum

    • True Ribs: First 7 pairs; they connect both dorsally and ventrally to the vertebrae and the sternum respectively via the hyaline cartilage

    • False (vertebrochondral) Ribs: 8th9th and 10th pairs; do not connect to the sternum directly, but connect indirectly through the seventh rib

    • Floating Ribs: 11th and 12th pairs; do not connect ventrally

  • Rib cage = Thoracic vertebra + Ribs + Sternum

    Limbs (each limb has 30 bones)


  • Knee cap − Patella
Kinldy post next question in separate thread.

Hope this information clears your doubt about the topic.


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