Q4 1 2 3

Q4 1 2 3 with theW o' en Fead %cale are coineide( cf main 5CJieT.nd the and diamete" ot the wire. 'era error iz -OOüScm,tner. tind the corrected diameter of the w

Dear student 
a) According to Newtons' second law,

Force  Rate of change of  momentum

Momentum p =  mv

Force  dmv/ dt
Force  m (dv/dt)
F= K ma
if K= 1
F= ma 
a = F/m 

If, F= 0
a= 0
Hence body will not move or move with a constant velocity. This is Newton's First law of motion which states that " every object in this universe will continue its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by some external force".

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