Quadratic equations please help
Please help me with my project work
All of them require your attention please

12. Find two consecutive odd positive integers, sum of whose squares is 290.

Dear Student,


Let the two consecutive odd number be  x  and  x  + 2.

Given: Sum of the squares of two consecutive odd positive integers is 290.

According to question,

⇒(x)2+(x + 2)2= 290

⇒x2  + x2  + 4x + 4 = 290

⇒2x2+ 4x + 4 = 290

⇒2x2+ 4x = 290 - 4

⇒2x2  + 4x = 286

⇒x2+ 2x = 143

⇒x2  + 2x - 143 = 0

⇒x2  + 13x - 11x -143=0

⇒x(x + 13) -11(x + 13 )=0

⇒x = 11 (since they are positive integers)

⇒x + 2 = 11+2=13

Thus, the two consecutive odd positive integers are 11 and 13.

Kindly ask the remaining queries in different threads.


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