Ques . No. 1

Ques . No. 1 CHAPTER EXERCISE her Answer Type Questions Which oi the following elements is a metal? 2 Name one metal and one non-metal which are obtained on a large scale from sea water. 3 Name the process used for the concentration of the sulphide orc. CBSE 2008 4 For the reduction of metal oxide to metal. suggest a reducing agent cheaper than aluminium. Short Answer (SAI Type I Questions [2 Marks each) Why AS •l the equ..tum trom Long tter cat ler Why be his not ge 211ery intity 5 6 7 8 What is the purpose of adding carbon (C) to molten iron ? Aluminium occurs in combined state. whereas gold is found in free state in nature. Why? CBSE 2010 What is the difference between sodium atom and sodium ion? Why is it that non-metals do not displace hydrogen from dilute acids? 15 16 Short Answer (SAI Type II Questions 9 Answer the following: [3 Marks each) (ib An ore. Name witl be (ii) State w place or each? MOTS A of air. presence with 02. i' water in. acts as (i) Iden• (ii) To v non (i) Name a metal which does not stick to glass. (ii) What is the nature of zinc oxide? (iii) What is deposited at the cathode, a pure or impure metal? carban monoxide (CO) change the colour of Value Base 17

Dear student
I) 7X3  is a Metal: Lithium
2) 3Y1 is Hydrogen which is a gas
3) 10Z9 is fluorine which is a non metal


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