ques no 24 may be 3 option and 25 may be 4 option with solution .
ques no 24 may be 3 option and 25 may be 4 option with solution . NEET & AllMS Some Ba What weight in grams is represented by 1.5 moles of sulphur dioxide? (1) 60g (3) 96 g (2) 74 g (4) 91 g The number of atoms in 20 g of S03 is approximately (3) 2 x 1023 (2) 1.5 x 1023 (4) 6 x 1023

Ques 24.
So we know that 1 mole of any gas is equivalent to its molecular mass . - which in case of SO2 = 32+16+16 = 64g
So, if 1 mole = 64g
then, 1.5 mole = 1.5*64 = 96g
Hence option(3)

and Ques 25.
Molecular mass of sulphur trioxide = 32+16*3 = 32+48 = 80g
SO3 - is a tetra atomic gas - that is as you can see there are 4 atoms existing in 1 SO3 = 1 stom of S and 3 atoms of oxygen.
So 1 mole = 80g = will have 4*NA atoms.
Hence 20 g = 4*NA *20/80 = NA atoms = 6*1023 atoms
Hence option (4)


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3. Option 96
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I hope it helped you #Ankita

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