Question 1: Can a unisexual flower be self pollinated?

Question 2: What are the male and female gametes in a flowering plants?Question 3: What happens in a boy's body under the influence of hormone?Question 4: What happens in a girl's body under the influence of hormone?Question 5: Mention the changes which occur during the adolesence in humans

Ans 5 : 
Changes in boys
1. Increase in height, change in body shape, testes grow and start producing sperms.
2. Growth of hair in faces and chest, extra hair in the armpits
3. Larynx grows prominently, vocal cords become longer and thicker, causing the voice to become hoarse.. 
Changes in girls:
1. Beginning of menstrual cycle
2. Growth and maturity of reproductive tract during puberty, changes a girl into women fit to bear children.
3. Growth of breasts and vulva, growth of pubic hair, extra hair in the armpits.  
4. Secretion of oil from the skin, resulting in the appearance of acne.

ANS 2. 
Male gamete - pollen grains found in the pollen sacs (microsporangium) of anther of stamens.
Female gamete- egg formed inside the ovule of ovary.

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