Question-13 answer please?


Industrial melanism refers to the shift in the coloured species of peppered moth from dominant grey coloured moths to dominant black coloured moths due to industrial revolution. It was observed in mid- 19th- century in England. Before the industrialisation, there was an abundance of grey coloured moth, as there was no air pollution, the tree trunks were covered with lichens. It was easier for grey coloured moth to camouflage in the background and protect themselves from the predators. Black coloured moths were vulnerable and were predated upon by predatory birds. Post industrialisation, lichens disappeared due to air pollution, exposing the dark tree trunks. Now the grey coloured moths could no longer camouflage in the dark background, and they became vulnerable to the predation, while black coloured moths now found it easier to blend. They were not spotted by predatory birds. 

Hence, there was a directional shift in the dominant pigmentation in the moth population, that is, from grey coloured to black coloured. This is an example of directional natural selection. 

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