Question no 22

 22. Mr Nath, a recently appointed Production Manager of Suntech Ltd. has decided to produce jute bags instead of plastic bags as these are banned by the government. He set a target of producing 1000 jute bags a day. It was reported that the employees were not able to achieve the target After analysis he found that employees were demotivated and not putting in their best for achieving the target. Mr Nath's behaviour is good towards the employees. His attitude is always positive. so he announced various incentive schemes for the employees like :

• Installing award or certificate for best performance.

• Rewarding an employee for giving valuable suggestions.

• Congratulating the employees for good performance.

(a) Identify the functions of management highlighted in the above paragraph.
(b) state the' incentive' under which the employees are motivated. 
(c) state any two values which the Production Manager wants to communicate to the society by his work and behaviour.

Dear student,
(A) Functions of management highlighted in the above case are Planning, Controlling and directing.

(B) The incentive which is offered by the manager is non - financial in nature and it comes under Employee recognition.

(C) The two values shown in the above example are :-

      (i) Environmental protection
      (ii) Positivity towards its employees and organisation.


  • 4
A.Functions highlighted in the above case are Planning, controlling, directing B.The incentive is non financial incentive i.e Employee recognition C.The values communicated are safety for the environment and employees care
  • 3
A. Planning dirceting and controlling B. The incentives are non financialinventive. C. The obejctive is social.objective i.e. taking care of Environment.
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