Questions 8 and 9

Dear student,
Q9. a) it is a plant cell as centrioles are absent and the spindle fibres are not connected to it.
b) It is showing prophase stage.
c)The next stage is Metaphase, it is identified by the presence of metaphasic plate or when chromosomes align themselves in one place at the equator and gets attached to a spindle fibre by its centromere.
d)In meiosis, Four daughter cells are produced and every daughter cell is haploid. Each cell contains half the numbber of chromosomes as the parent cells while in Mitosis, two daughter cells are produced in which each cell is diploid and genetically identical to parent cell. The chromosome number in daughter cells is same as the parent cell.
​​​​​Kindly post the other question in a new thread for fast and efficient answering. We look forward to hear from you soon. 

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