Rain is the ultimate source of water..

True or False??


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Rain is stored in clouds, which are huge, dense masses of water molecules. It gets there because it evaporates off the earth, into the clouds. It then gets rained back down again, and evaporated again, and stored again, and rained back down again... 

Water doesn't just appear in the sky is what I'm trying to say here. Rain isn't a source of water, it's one of the stages of the life cycle of water.

If you're talking about drinking water, it's still false - the 'main source' of drinking water (I'd call it the general civilized society's 'way' to get drinking water) is melted ice from the top of mountains. Which is just another part of the life cycle of water, there is no start or finish to it.

so the ans is false 

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Abselutly not true.

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