Rani and Suman are partners with capital of 80,000 and Rs.  60,000. During the year 2006-07, Rani withdrew Rs. 10,000 from her capital and Suman Rs. 15,000 .Profits before charging interest on capital was Rs. 50,000.Rani and Suman shared profits/losses in the ratio 3;2. Calculate the amount of intereston their capitals @ 12 % p.a. for the year ended march 31,2007.

closing capital
rani sunam
80000 60000
+ drawing. 10000 15000
- pft.
(50000 in
ratio 3:2) 30000 20000

net balance -- 60000 55000

we Have opening capital.....

rani int.on capital --

60000*12/100 ..... 7200

sunam int. on capital

55000* 12/100......6600

  • -4
  • 0
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