Read the extract given below and answer the following questions :

"They, too, aware of sun and air and water,
Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war's long winter starv'd.
Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read
A labour not different from our own"

(i) Who is 'they' in the above lines ?
(ii) What are they aware of ?
(iii) What does the poet mean by 'peaceful harvests' ?
(iv) Explain "war's long winter starv'd".

Dear student,

(I) They refers to the people whom we usually refer as foreigners or strangers.
(II) They are also aware of what sun, water and air provide i.e. they too need these elements to stay alive.
(iii)  When there is no war going on, people of a country feel safe and at peace. Shortage of food is definitely not something, they need to face during the times of peace. So, by the term, peaceful harvests, the poet has actually tried to hint at the calm and peaceful environment people enjoy during the period of peace. 
(Iv) During the time of war, all of the resources are directed towards fighting the enemy. This leads to economic crisis and shortage of food and basic necessities. So, war brings about a condition akin to winter when lack of food and amenities leads to starvation and struggle.


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(I) They refers to the people whom we usually refer as foreigners or strangers.
(II) They are also aware that what sun, water and air are i.e. they too need these elements to stay alive.
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