Read the following passage carefully
1 Tourism has emerged as the world's largest industry as it leads
to a great economic growth of a country. Growing rapidly in
the last two decades, today it accounts for6o/o of worrd output
and employs some 100 million people around the globe. since
the end of the second world war, ithas created lmmense
revenue and development potential andstands today as a
unique natural renewable industry
2 Tourism- the travel based recreation- provides people with a
change of place and a break from the monopoly of dairy rife.It
brings people of different nations together, allowing them to
come into close contact with each other's customs and other
aspects of life. It reveals the scenic beauty and past heritage of
a country to people belonging to other nations. Theknowledge
and experience gained in the process can lead to greater
understanding and tolerance, and can even foster world peace.
3 The contribution of tourism can be nowhere seen more clearly
than on the economic front. A study conducted by the United
Nations has shown that developing countries in particular can
reap handsome benefits which greatly boosts national income
Tourism generates employment, and adds to the
entrepreneurial wealth of a nation. While tourism'sadvantages
are many, its undesirable side-effects have raised fresh
Tourism can cause social, cultural or environmental disruption.
One of the greatest concerns is the damage to the
environment. In order to attract more tourists, sprawling
resorts are built which take neither the local architectural
styles nor the ecology into consideration. Natural systems
come to be destroyed as a result of indiscriminate construction
to provide water and waste disposal facilities and recreational
arrangements to tourists. Overuse of environmental wealth
disturbs the ecological balance.
Damage is the most in wildlife parks which remain the
foremost sites of tourist attraction. Tourists vans and the
visitors' feet destroy the ground vegetation, thus affecting the
feeding habits of the animals and the landscape as well.
Overcrowding brings about congestion, leading to
environmental and health hazards.
The TajMahal, one of the seven wonders of the world, has
suffered a lot of wear and tear from trampling feet oftourists.
This is the case of most of the other monuments in the world.
Some socio-cultural effects of tourism have been damaging.
Tourism often ushers in new life styles: arrangements as
desired by tourists are provided in order to make them feel at
home. The emergence of this other culture in various places
has caused dissatisfaction among the local people. The concern
is that the local people tend to imitate the foreign values,
breaking away from their own traditions.
To promote safe tourism while ensuring that it remains a
profitable industry, it is imperative to understand the factors
that hamper the growth of tourism and check them effectively.
General instability of a nation is damaging to tourism
prospects. Political disturbances, in particular, pose a serious
problem. The growing violence in the international scene and
increasing threats of terrorism affect the flow of tourists. For
example, after Mumbai terrorist attack, there was a
considerable decrease in the visits of tourists in our country for
a long period of time .Countries like Srilanka also have been a
victim to terrorist threats for a long time and have therefore
suffered great setbacks in tourism.
1t Whatever be the problems, India must work hard to reap
thebenefitsfrom this industry, for the country has everything to
attract visitors from far and near.
2.7. On the basis of your reading of the passage, make notes on
using headings and sub headings. Use a minimum
fourrecognisable abbreviations and also supply a titleto it.
2.2 Write a summary of the above passage in about B0 vuords.

Bap re khud karo
  • -12
Title: Tourism and its affects
  • -6
Abbreviations:- 1 - one , min. - minimum , mil. - million , ppl - people , environ. - environment
  • -5
Note making
  • -11

  • -11
  • -6
jjhvgytr ea Xftyhhggttewsxcyjombbhhipll
  • -2
Title: World's largest industry: Tourism 1. Growth of tourism: a. Accounts for 6% of world output b. Natural renewable industry c. Travel based recreation: i) breaks monotony ii) brings people together iii) offers multi-cultural experience 2. Employment generated by Tourism 3. Negative effects of tourism 4. Aspects damaging for tourism
  • 4
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