Read the following poem carefully.


Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful World,

With the wonderful water round you curled,

And the wonderful grass upon your breast-

World, you are beautifully drest.

The wonderful air is over me,

And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree,

It walks on the water, and whirls the mills,

And talks to itself on the tops of the hills,

You friendly Earth, how for do you go,

With the wheat-fields that nod and the rivers that flow,

With cities and gardens, and cliffs, and isles

And people upon you for thousands of miles?

Ah! you are so great, and I am so small,

I tremble to think of you, World, at all;

And yet, when I said my prayers to-day,

A whisper inside me seemed to say,

‘You are more than the Earth though you are such a dot:

You can love and think, and the Earth cannot!’

On the basis of your understanding of the poem above, complete the following sentences.

a. The ‘I’ refers to …………..and the ‘you’ refers to the ………….in the poem. (2)

b. Pick out and write any two words from the poem that refer to the greatness

of the earth. (1)

c. Pick out and write the words from the poem that refer to the following- (4)

i. The green grass of the earth ………………

ii. Whisper of the wind ……………..

iii. Fear in the speaker

iv. Oceans surrounding the earth ……………….

d. ‘You are more than the Earth, though you are such a dot’ because…………. (1)

i refers to the author
  • 4
  • -1
(A) (1) - poet (2) - earth
  • 0
B (1)- great (2)- wonderful
  • -1
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