rearrange please solve it

rearrange please solve it (d) (a) (b) (c) Grammar . Reordering all its tributaries / is the biggest river / and look at the area / it covers, / if you count / the Amazon / in the world (3) there was / named Bahadur / once upon a time / a little boy in the state / in north India / Bahadur lived / of Uttaranchal as he was lying / one night, / his whole room / began to shake / in his bed, (d) really / he did not know / how to / Bahadur was / because / keep himself safe (4) (a) stores infrrmation / memory / the CPU / in (d) fro (a) ay e (c) (a) off(

10lines on domains of the environment?
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there was upon a time there was alittle boy named bahadur
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