Rearrange sentences in the correct order-
a.)This is largely due to increased plant growth.
b.)It was found in a study that the soil contains twice the amount of carbon found in plants.
c.)It could have become increasingly volatile if people add more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
d.)An increase in human- made carbon could initiate a chain reaction between plants and microorganisms.
e.)This would unsettle one of the largest carbon reservoirs on the planet - soil.

Dear Student,
Given below is the answer to your question.

a) It was found in a study that the soil contains twice the amount of carbon found in plants.
b) This is largely due to increased plant growth.
c) ​It could have become increasingly volatile if people add more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
​d) An increase in human made carbon could initiate a chain reaction between plants and micro organisms.  
e)This would unsettle one of the largest carbon reservoirs on the plant - soil.

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