Rearrange the following sentences

1) Injects / It / into / through / porous / the venom / the body / its / fangs
2) Its effect / until / mixed / blood / in the / snake venom / the / does / show / not / it gets 
3) Some / reach / time to / takes / It / quite / venom / for the / blood stream / the  
4) Set / Mahatma Gandhi / to evolve / did not / of life / philosophy / out / the 
5) Had / inclination / neither / He / nor the / so / the time / to do 

6) Truth / application / firm faith / He / and / had / practical / on life / ahimsa / for it’s / on 
7) Constitution / are the / philosophy /they / of his / and / teachings 

1. It injects the venom into the body through its porous fangs.
2. The snake venom does not show its effect  until it gets mixed in the blood.
3. It takes quite some time for the venom to reach the blood stream.
4. Mahatma Gandhi did not set out to evolve the philosophy of life.
5. He neither had the time nor the inclination to do so.
6. He had firm faith on truth and ahimsa for its practical application on life. (ideally it should be 'firm faith in truth' and ' their practical application to life').
7. They are the constituents of his teachings and philosophy. (it should be 'constituents' not ;'constitution')

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