Rearrange the jumbled words...

Rearrange the jumbled words... I. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them sentences. a. written / the Indian Constitution I is I comprehensive I a I åocument b. it / longest / in fact / world / in / constitution I is I the I the c. 397 articles / 12 schedules / it / and/ contains d. provides for / whole India / a single citizenship I for I the I for I

Dear Student,
  1. The Indian Constitution is a written and comprehensive document.
  2. In fact it is the longest constitution in the world.
  3. It contains 12 schedules and 397 articles.
  4. For it provides for a single citizenship for the whole India.

  • 19
a.The Indian constitution is a comprehensive and written document
b.It is in fact the longest constitution in the world.
c.It comtains 397 articles and 12 schedules.
d. For it provides for a single citizenship for the whole India.
  • 3
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