Rearrange the sentences to form a conversation between A and B. The first two have been done for you.

A- Too many people smoke at our college canteen.
B-Thats true.

1.Because the canteen owner allows them to smoke.
2.They should smoke somewhere else as it harms non smokers too. the problem is with him!
4. Alright!
5. Actually they don't smoke anywhere else because of the signs.
6. Who else? Let us write a letter stating our formal complaint and drop it in the 'complaint box'.
7. Exactly! Why should they make us unhealthy too.
8.To the principal?
9.I think we should lodge a complaint against him.
10.Hmm..those no smoking signboard at the gate r not helping much.
11.Yes. what do we do?


Dear student, 
Find the solution below.

A- Too many people smoke at our college canteen. 
B- That,s true. 
A- ​​​​​​They should smoke somewhere else as it harms non-smokers too. 
B- Exactly! Why should they make us unhealthy too?
A- Actually they don't smoke anywhere else because of the signs.
B- Hmm. Those no smoking signboard at the gate are not helping much.
A- Because the canteen owner allows them to smoke.
B- So the problem is with him!
A- Yes. what do we do?
B- I think we should lodge a complaint against him.
A- To the principal?
B-  Who else? Let us write a letter stating our formal complaint and drop it in the 'complaint box'.
A- Alright!


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