Reason for the empty treasury? Subsistence crisis?

Dear Student,

Here are the reasons for the empty treasury in France:
1) extravagance nature of king

2) financial help to America

3) sudden fall in trade

4) poor administration in the collection of taxes

5) unfair distribution of taxes
(6) Under Louis XVI France helped the thirteen American colonies to gain independence.
(7) Lenders began to barge high interest on loans.

Subsistence crisis refers to a situation where the means of livelihood are not enough to sustain the individual or community. In the context of the French Revolution, this crisis referred to a situation that arose in France in the eighteenth century. The population of France increased from 23 million in 1715 to 28 million in 1789. The demand for food grain registered a rapid increase while the production could not keep up with its pace. This led to steep increase in the price of bread while the wages did not increase. The gap between rich and poor increased and subsistence crisis arose as a result..



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