Reema brought 30 dozens of eggs.out of them 2/5 were found to be broken.find the number of good eggs left with her.I pasteed a photo in that 15Q)

Reema brought 30 dozens of eggs.out of them 2/5 were found to be broken.find the number of good eggs left with her.I pasteed a photo in that 15Q) 12. Find: 12. 14 4 (ii) (iii) 4 3 (iv) (vi) 13). Find the area of a rectangle whose length is 18 215 m and breadth is 11 2/23 m. 14. 2/5 of the students of the class of 50 students like mangoes, whereas 1/5 of them like apples and rest like bananas. Find the fraction of the tota\ number of students who like bananas. 15. Reema bought 30 dozens of eggs. Out of them 215 were found to be broken. Find the number of good eggs left with her. o 16. Sachin bought 2 h m cloth for Rs. 187 h and Vicky bou t 33/4 m cloth of same type. How much money did Vicky pay for the cloth. 17. Joseph cuts 20m long rope into two pieces of length 3 113 m each. Ho nieces of rope did he get.

Dear student,
Total number of eggs Reema bought = 30 dozen = 30×12=360 eggs
Number of broken eggs = 360×25= 144
Therefore number of good eggs =  360 - 144 = 216 eggs


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156 eggs were found to be broken.
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