relationship between pulse rate and heartbeat

actually there is no difference between pulse rate n heart beat if you start counting pulse  n heart beat they are same . in pulse we feel some dhak dhak sound because blood is flowing .

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same thing above

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Heart rate is the number of times the heart beats in one minute.

We can easily detect our heart rate by measuring our pulse, which is created by the rhythmic flow of blood through arteries, as our heart contracts with each beat.

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Heart beat is the rhythmic contraction of the heart while pulse is caused by the heart beat. Heart sends the blood through the arteries with certain pressure, arteries in our body are compressed at certain positions and when blood rushes at certain pressure the arteries palpate and this palpation is known as the pulse.

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 heart rate = pulse beat

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 sry, heart beat = pulse rate

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each heartbeat generates a pulsebeat  in our arteries and the number of times of heartbeat in a minute is termed as pulserate

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number of times a heartbeat generates a pulsebeat in your arterie is called a pulserate

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They are the same things except the names
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the relashionship between pulse rate is that when a heartbeat ryns it pushes the blood so the blood is pushed a a equal min so the pulse is equal to the heartbeat
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  • -2
Difference Between Pulse & Heart Rateto the ripple a stone makes when it is thrown in a pond. Your heart rate is the number of times your heart contracts (beats) in one minute.The Source of a Pulse: the Heart

A heartbeat is a contraction of the heart's muscle, forcing blood to move through arteries. An electrical impulse causes the cardiac muscle to contract. An average healthy adult heart rate is 60 to 80 beats per minute. For older adults, normal is considered 60 to 100 beats per minute. Women generally have a higher rate than men.

A heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute is considered "tachycardia." Less than 60 is "bradycardia." In the case of well-conditioned adults, a heart rate less than 60 could be termed "athletic bradycardia," which is positive. In this case, the heart is so efficient in contracting and in meeting the needs of blood supply to the rest of the body that it is slower than normal. 

Calculate Your Heart Rate

To calculate your heart rate, find your pulse in your inner wrist, about 2 inches down from your thumb. Count the number of times you feel the pulse against your index finger in one minute. (Or count for 15 seconds and multiply by four.) Don't use your thumb to palpate (you may feel that artery's pulse). Another way is to palpate your carotid. Do so gently. Put your index finger about an inch or two from the center of your neck to either side. You should feel a good pulse. 

Whenever taking a pulse, but especially in the case of the carotid, take care not to press too hard. You may stop the blood flow. In the case of the radial pulse, press too hard and you will occlude it. In the case of the carotid, you may limit blood flow to your brain. If your other carotid has plaque buildup, you may cause a loss of consciousness. 

Pulse can have quality, too. Does it feel weak and thready? Is it strong and bounding? Some radial pulses may disappear when you take a deep breath of air in (inspiration) and hold it. Because this reduces the amount of pressure in your chest cavity, your heart has an easier time pumping and normally does so with less force. Blood pressure is gauged by the force of the blood against the artery's wall.

What's Your Maximal Heart Rate?

To find your maximal heart rate for exercise purposes, subtract your age from 220. This should be the highest heart rate you reach for general conditioning purposes. Consult your doctor before any exercise and your intent to pursue a maximal heart rate. Generally, by exercising to reach your maximal heart rate, you are ensuring you will stress your heart enough to produce the benefits of a cardio workout.

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The stretching and the relaxing of arteries with each heartbeat is felt as a throbbed called pulse
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The pulse rate is same as the rate of the heart beat .
  • -3
The heart is a muscular pump that with each heart beat pumps blood around the body. On leaving the heart the blood first travels along the arteries. The pulse is what you feel over an artery as the pressure inside increases following each heart beat. The average pulse rate is between 60-80 beats per minute.
  • -1
Each heart beat generates one pulse in the arteries and the pulse rate per minute indicates the rate of the heart. This is the relation between pulse rate and heart beat.
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When the left ventricle contracts, blood moves into the arteries under high pressure.The walls of the arteries are stretched by this pressure. When the ventricles relax, the pressure goes down. The stretching and relaxing of the arteries with each heartbeat is felt with a throbbing called pulse. Whereas, the contraction of the two auricles first and then the contraction of the two ventricles (lub-dub) is known as heartbeat.

Hope that helped.
  • -2
heart beat is equal to pulse rate
  • -3
Dear friend ,WHAT IS SUCCESS.? ANS~success is something we achieve the thing great fully.But it's doesn't mean that the successful person do not fall ,yes they fall,they also gi into depression but for a while and comes back and again began their goal.MY friend the success is not how much money you earn it makes different in people lives.
  • -3
Heartbeat is the contraction and expansion of heart...whereas pulse rate is the number of heartbeats...
  • -2
Diffrence betweenpulse rate and heart beat is Pulse rate = the number of times the heat beats in a minute . Heart Beat = the puping of blood is called heart beart which was hearing in sound lub - dub lub- dub.
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The?heart?is a muscular pump that with each?heart beat?pumps blood around the body. On leaving the?heart?the blood first travels along the arteries. The?pulse?is what you feel over an artery as the pressure inside increases following each?heart beat. The averagepulse rate?is?between?60-80 beats per minute.
  • -4
Heat beat is the rhythmic contraction of the heart and pulse is caused by the heat beat. Heart sends the blood through the arteries with a certain pressure,the arteries in our body stretch and relax with each heart beat and it is felt as a throbbing called pulse.
  • -2
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Some one to answer have the same question
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The stretching and relaxing of the arteries with each heartbeat is felt as throbbing called pulse. In this way , heartbeat is related to pulse which is normally 60-80 times a minute throughout our life.
  • 1
Flow of blood is pulse rate. Beating of heart is heartbeat.
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What is RBC befin
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One heart beat refers to one pulse.
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The heart is a muscular pump that with each heart beat pumps blood around the body. On leaving the heart the blood first travels along the arteries. The pulse is what you feel over an artery as the pressure inside increases following each heart beat. The average pulse rate is between 60-80 beats per minute
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Please find this answer

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The pulse rate is exactly equal To Heart beat as the constraction of the heart cause the increase in blood pressure in the arterise that lead to the noticeable
Pulse . Taking the pulse Therefore a direct measure of heart rate?????
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??? ???? ?? ????? ??? ?? ???????? ?????
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respiratory system
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ninth class ka book
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Pulse rate is the reading of heart beat per sec or any give time like,one minute or one hour example,if someone asks u what is ur pulse rate and u would say one beat per second and that is what we call pulse rate and pulse rate is reading of heart beats per sec.
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As your?heart beats?faster, healthy?bloodvessels will expand in size to allow increasedblood?flow, which helps your?blood pressureremain relatively stable. This is often true during exercise, when your?heart rate?can increase substantially but your?blood pressuremay only change slightly.
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2. The left kidney may be ????longer
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Hi my all dear friends
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Pulse rate makes hearbeat
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Pulse rate: The speed of the heartbeat measured by the number of contractions of the heart per minute.
Heartbeat: One complete pulsation of heart.
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Difference Between Pulse & Heart Rateto the ripple a stone makes when it is thrown in a pond. Your heart rate is the number of times your heart contracts (beats) in one minute.The Source of a Pulse: the Heart
A heartbeat is a contraction of the heart's muscle, forcing blood to move through arteries. An electrical impulse causes the cardiac muscle to contract. An average healthy adult heart rate is 60 to 80 beats per minute. For older adults, normal is considered 60 to 100 beats per minute. Women generally have a higher rate than men.

A heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute is considered "tachycardia." Less than 60 is "bradycardia." In the case of well-conditioned adults, a heart rate less than 60 could be termed "athletic bradycardia," which is positive. In this case, the heart is so efficient in contracting and in meeting the needs of blood supply to the rest of the body that it is slower than normal.

Calculate Your Heart Rate
To calculate your heart rate, find your pulse in your inner wrist, about 2 inches down from your thumb. Count the number of times you feel the pulse against your index finger in one minute. (Or count for 15 seconds and multiply by four.) Don't use your thumb to palpate (you may feel that artery's pulse). Another way is to palpate your carotid. Do so gently. Put your index finger about an inch or two from the center of your neck to either side. You should feel a good pulse.

Whenever taking a pulse, but especially in the case of the carotid, take care not to press too hard. You may stop the blood flow. In the case of the radial pulse, press too hard and you will occlude it. In the case of the carotid, you may limit blood flow to your brain. If your other carotid has plaque buildup, you may cause a loss of consciousness.

Pulse can have quality, too. Does it feel weak and thready? Is it strong and bounding? Some radial pulses may disappear when you take a deep breath of air in (inspiration) and hold it. Because this reduces the amount of pressure in your chest cavity, your heart has an easier time pumping and normally does so with less force. Blood pressure is gauged by the force of the blood against the artery's wall.

What's Your Maximal Heart Rate?
To find your maximal heart rate for exercise purposes, subtract your age from 220. This should be the highest heart rate you reach for general conditioning purposes. Consult your doctor before any exercise and your intent to pursue a maximal heart rate. Generally, by exercising to reach your maximal heart rate, you are ensuring you will stress your heart enough to produce the benefits of a cardio workout.
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What is the relationship between the rate of heartbeat and pulse rate?
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One pulse rate= One heartbeat
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The relationship between pulse rate and heartbeat are -
? the number of pulse rate and heartbeat are 72 beats per minute.
?After running the pulse rate and heartbeat are increasing same.
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