'Renu, a 4-year old girl was standing alone waiting for her mother, but she never turned up.' She did not know what to do. Then...

Dear Student

This is a creative task. The following points will help you in developing the answer:-
  • Then she turned around in the hope of finding her.
  • She saw a woman similar to her mother and ran towards her.
  • But she was a stranger to that child.
  • She started crying and the stranger asked her name.
  • She was unable to speak as she was sobbing and crying.
  • The stranger left her in the police station where the child was able to tell the directions towards her home.
  • While she was on her way, she again saw a similar lady like her mother.
  • She got off the car and ran towards her but ultimately she believed that her mother will not come back.
  • She returned home quietly and didn't react to anyone since then.

  • 13
Plz check the question
  • -10
write the story in about 150-200 words which begins as above.
  • 13
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